Day 11 of Fasting

Day 11 – January 12, 2023
“The Darius Fast”

Daniel 6:14,18 - And the king, when he heard these words, was greatly displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him; and he labored till the going down of the sun to deliver him.  Now the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting; and no musicians were brought before him. Also his sleep went from him.

A few people at Hope Chapel are doing the Daniel Fast again this year, where you eat only veggies, fruit (including nuts), beans, whole grains, water and juice. This strict diet follows the Old Testament prophet’s pattern from Daniel 1:8-16.
But, there is also someone else in this same book of the Bible who fasted.  His fast has not been as popularized as Daniel’s. You won’t find hundreds of published recipe books nor a famous actor’s Instagram post about his fast.  
King Darius was so impressed and pleased with Daniel, one of his chief commissioners, that he decided to promote him. Others became jealous and tried their best to thwart the king’s plans but they could not find any fault in Daniel. So they came up with a way to trick King Darius into signing an evil, binding decree. Because Daniel prayed to God and not the king, he would be punished by being thrown into the lions’ den.
Darius was extremely distressed. He could not legally change his proclamation. His best official was now facing a violent death because of him. The rest of his government advisors were corrupt. His back was against the wall. The king struggled all day ‘TRYING TO WORK OUT A WAY’ (Daniel 6:14 AMP) to save his friend, but could not.  King Darius returned to his palace and spent the night fasting, denying himself music and entertainment and not sleeping.
The Darius Fast is when you finally realize YOU cannot work out a messy situation!  Perhaps you have made a mistake (maybe listened to the wrong people for advice) or have unknowingly made a situation worse. You have struggled for a while TRYING TO WORK OUT the circumstance but there seems to be no solution.
Return to your palace and fast and pray!  Get out of the way in trying to fix what's happening and let God move – in HIS WAY, in HIS TIME. Then be of good cheer “For He is the living God, and steadfast forever…He delivers and rescues, And He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth…" (Daniel 6:26-27) 

Remembering what God can do,
Pastor Brian Rabon

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